Are Goodness Beers Vegan?

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether a beer is vegan. Beers can be brewed with animal-derived ingredients (like lactose powder from milk) and many breweries use Isinglass (derived from fish swim bladders)  to make their beers clear and that will not be included on the ingredient labels. From start to finish The Goodness uses no animals or animal products in processing or packaging our beers.  


Are Goodness Beers Gluten Free?

The good news is all our core beers are gluten free! Sometime we might make a special that is not gluten free but this will always be clearly marked. 

Like most other breweries in the UK making Gluten Free' beers we use an enzyme (Brewers Clarex) to reduce gluten during fermentation to under 20 parts per million (or 0.002%), this is a cut off for labeling a product as gluten free. Our beers are regularly tested and typically come in around 10 parts per million. 

If this is still too much gluten for you, then exercise extreme caution with most beers on the market that label as ‘gluten free' in the UK and specifically look out for beers brewed using Sorghum or similar instead of Barley, Wheat and Oats.


Where can I find Goodness beers?

For the general public, you can either find grab some cans from our web-shop, find our beers out in the wild or enjoy a cold one at our taproom in Wood Green. If you're interested in finding a watering hole near you that might stock our products, please feel free to contact us and we'll be able to point you in the right direction.

For trade customers, you can buy direct through us and our sales team (sales@thegoodnessbrew.co), through online wholesaler Eebria (https://www.eebriatrade.com/producer/show/1289) or through online B2B platform Sellar https://app.sellar.io/suppliers/goodness/order?sessionId=4c57e91e-c2bb-483e-a925-68471e197b43


Still have questions? Drop us a line at info@thegoodnessbrew.co